~Mystic Blessings~
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Here are a few spells I found when I'm ready I'll post some of my own these spells are to be used for good they may work for you but may not

I found these spells at http://bestwiccanspells.tripod.com you should go there they have great spells.

Spell to become more positive by Juniper

*white candle

Preform at new moon

Place the candle on your altar. Cast the circle and call the Goddesses. Visualize the moon and say

Tonight the moon, Tomorrow the sun

Let this power built till my will is done

Candle burn down to send my will

This spell will be cast for good not ill

Let the candle burn down completely, preferably in sight of the moon.

To free yourself of anger by Juniper

Add three teaspoons of mint leaves to one cup of boiling water. Let the tea steep for six minutes and inhale the steam as the tea strengthens. Strain, sweeten with honey, and chant the following over the tea:

'Cool my anger, herb of mint. Honey, sweeten my intent.

My attitude, I ask you, change. Toss heat of temper out of range.'

Drink the tea and feel your anger evaporate.


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