~Mystic Blessings~
Good Days for Magick
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The best Times for doing your Magick but if another day feels right then go ahead it must be right for you not everyone is the thats whats so great about Wicca.

New Moon
On the day of the new moon and       
 3 days after it  is the best time to do spells for ; 
 New beginning. love, romance, health and work.
Waxing Moon
Comes about 13 days, between new and full moon.
Best spells to perform; spells about Inspiration, love, freedom, friendship, prosperity and happiness.
Full Moon
Perform spells the day before, the day of the full moon and the day after it.
Best spells to perform are spells containing healing, wishes and predictions!
Waning Moon 
comes about About 13 days,between full and new moon.
do spells containing thoughts to
Break curses, negative powers and addictions.
Days for Spell Work
(if you can't wait till the moon phase is right)
healing, and comfort
New beginning, work, and family
Discussions, physical strenght, lust, and courage
learning, communication, and developing yourself
wealth, happiness, and materialism
fun, and love
ending things, leaving, and making up your mind

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